Humans could never EVER come up with a unified way to live peacefully amongst each other just like ants or any other species on planet Earth

Hate-mongering and fear-mongering is on the rise as usual since pluralism (or democracy) is a hard-to-sell commodity, especially after millions killed in on-going Middle East wars by a genocidal nation (of USA) where from this YouTube episode is being aired. Nationalism (or racism) has defeated globalism for good since the end of World War 2.

Now, we are all suffering through a different kind of continous World War 3 where every individual is fighting for his/her own very basic physical, mental, social and political survival. Poverty gives birth to ideologies like Hitler, Modi or Biden. Humans are explicitly involved in not only killing each other, but actively destroying the very place (planet Earth) where they breathe Oxygen. Thousands of years of violent history of humans has taught nobody nothing except a piece of paper (thesis or a PhD certificate) to find a better paying job.

Being a silent spectator and choosing to suffer in silence, most of the humans are complicit in every wrong being committed by kings, dictators, military rulers or sham democracies. Selling fear of the “other” is easier to the poverty-stricken ignorant populace, hence there is pretty much nothing else through the pages of human history that has been carried forwarded to this date or beyond. Inventing currency and producing money-worshippers on such a large scale amounts to the absurd and a sheer waste of human intellect.

Back in old days, humans in caves or living in tiny tribes or communities, the few brave souls used to bring hunted food in the middle of everyone (including the weak) to feed freely. We are at a far worse place as 8 billion human souls with thousands of years of history behind us. Just like the whole universe at war with each other, humans were naturally adepted for being the most violent specie to be at the top of the food chain.

I am not trying to paint a bleak picture of the past, present or the future. All I am trying to understand and reflect upon how come humans could never EVER come up with a unified way to live peacefully amongst each other just like ants or any other species on planet Earth? Yes, ants do go to wars with different types of ants. Aren’t we better than ants?

(Scratching my head while watching a news story of a racist head of state and enjoying my favorite French vanilla flavored cup of coffee.)

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