When You Don’t Get the Hollywood Ending

An awesome review of the movie “Fireproof” (2008)

As many of you know, I am currently pursuing a Masters degree in Life Coaching. I am finishing up a course on interpersonal communication, and one of our recent assignments was to watch the movie Fireproof.

Perhaps you are familiar with the Kendrick Brothers movies. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of their movies and look forward to seeing the next one. However, I must admit that all of the movies seem to have the Hollywood ending where relationships are reconciled and everything works out well.

That’s not the life I have experienced.

If you haven’t seen the movie Fireproof, I encourage you to watch it. Kirk Cameron plays a fireman named Caleb. Caleb and his wife are in a downward spiral in their marriage. They can’t speak a word to one another without it turning into a fight. Caleb is caught up in his own desires, is…

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