Tell me the story of how the sun died every night to let the moon breathe


How The Sun Loved The Moon – By Anonymous

Once, during a time when the earth was simple, the Sun shone brighter than anything. The people were grateful, and celebrated every time he lit up the sky. He brought them joy and hope, and was the source of all their warmth.

But he was lonely, all by himself in the vast skies. He would look down at the people dancing in his radiance and wonder if he was simply destined to a life of solitary. That was the price he paid for being the brightest, he reasoned.

Then, there was the moon. As the sun grew weary and began to disappear, she would rise into the sky, flanked by millions of stars. Her radiance was a sad kind of beauty- one that went unnoticed as people slept. The stars watched her with ambition, hoping to one day get close enough that she wouldn’t feel so empty, but they couldn’t. The moon was untouchable, surrounding herself in a blanket of darkness through the cold nights.

One day, when the Sun was sliding out of the Heavens, he caught a glimpse of her. She was peeking up, a rare side of her being exposed to the light. And while the sun could shine, he noticed the moon could glow, and a faithful whisper trumped an arrogant shout any day.

So just as the stars were wandering into the night, the sun fell in love like a snowball hurdling down a mountain. He desperately wished to see her more than the fleeting moments he shared with her at dusk and dawn, but the moon was unapproachable. Unobtainable. Untouchable.


She whispered to him one of those nights, her voice as sweet and sorrowful as the last light of day.

“Go, and let me breathe in the shadow. For you and I have decided fates. You illuminate the day, and I cast my glow on the night…”

There was a regretful pause, and it seemed the Moon would shatter as she spoke.

“We can never be… Our connection would go against what people believe, and all they know. So go.”

During the summer, the sun would stay up a bit longer in hopes she would change her mind, but it was no use.

“Dont you dare abandon your blessing of light for my darkness”

Those were the last words the moon ever spoke.

So, the sun quietly obeyed, and continued on loving the moon so much that he died every night to let her breathe. To this day, they are lovers who rarely meet, always chase, and almost always miss one another. But once in a while, they are allowed to cross, and they kiss, and the world stares in awe of their eclipse.



I have myself witnessed full moon with a naked eye during the full daylight and I can attest to them basking in love, kissing. Its rare and I am sure in this day of scientific advancement, one can always point their advanced telescopes (or binoculars) in the right direction during daytime to see the moon while the sun shines or kisses the moon according to this story.

I was introduced to this love story by a wonderful blogger lady Kristen who loves sunsets so much. You can always check out her blog at;

Just As The Sun Loves The Moon


Cover Image: Solar Eclipse by Sue Halstenberg



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